The meeting was held at the Clubhouse and called to order by President Dave Saxton at 8:00 PM. 23 members were present. Absent: Bob Buzzo.
The Secretary’s report for August was read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report for the month was read and approved.
There are 254 paid members for 2024.
House: The logs have been repaired. Jim built a score keepers podium for the trap range. He also painted the traphouses and tarred the rooves.
Hunter Ed: A field day will be held on Oct. 5 for students completing the online course. We will be teaching the students at Copper Island Academy in November.
Trap: We will stay open until the time change. We may be getting a donation of 1 pallet of clay pigeons from WalMart.
Rifle Range: Nothing.
Pistol Range: The roof is complete. The shed will be built soon. There are 4-6 shooters on Tuesday nights. As it is getting dark earlier, the start time may change, or switch to Saturday.
Communications: E-mail from the Hamlett's outlining the duties they have done for the fishing derby. Michelle talked about what has to be done in January (raffle license, beer license, membership letter, etc.).
Bill received for liability insurance and officers’ coverage. Motion and second made to make payment. Motion carried.
Old Business: None.
New Business: CMP: Are we affiliated? One of our members tried to purchase a firearm but was told we were not. We have not received a bill in some time. Doug will look into it.
Dan Judnich would like to use the Trap Range for a group sometime soon.
Hunting prizes: As in e years past, we will have the hunting prizes awarded this year for the largest by weight bear, archery deer, firearm deer, and muzzleloader deer. The animal must be weighed at the DNR or meat processor and be submitted in writing by the January meeting.
Potluck: There will be a potluck dinner prior to the October meeting. The meeting will be October 24 as the last Thursday is Halloween.