Pistol Range Rules
Lake Linden-Hubbell Sportsmen's Association Inc.
Last Revised on
March 15, 2024
I. General Rules
1. The Lake Linden-Hubbell Sportsmen's Association Range Safety Rules apply.
II. Bullseye Specific Rules
A. The bullseye range is designed for up to twelve (12) pistol shooters at one time. Additional pistol shooters must wait for an available shooting point.
B. Eye and hearing protection are mandatory when the range is active (“hot”).
C. No shotguns, rifles or fully automatic firearms are allowed. If we want to prohibit certain pistol calibers (e.g. S&W 500) at the Bullseye Range, these should be added in this section.
D. Shooting over the backstop or skipping rounds over the backstop are not allowed. Houses are about 1 mile down range. You, personally, are legally responsible for any damage, on or off the range, caused by your projectile.
E. Bring unloaded firearms to the firing line shooting benches in a pistol case, bag or box. Do not bring loaded pistols to the pistol range.
F. Insert an empty chamber indicator (e.g. weed cord) in every pistol on the firing line before going down range.
G. When the bullseye firing line is declared "safe", you may not touch or handle any uncased firearm. If you are leaving the bullseye range, you must case your gun while the range is "hot"; you cannot case the gun once the line is declared "safe".
H. When the range is declared "safe", you may go ahead of the firing line to place or retrieve targets, pick up brass in front of the firing line, etc. You may load or unload detached magazines, but YOU MAY NOT TOUCH, LOAD OR UNLOAD ANY FIREARM.
I. Only paper targets are allowed on the Bullseye Range. Bottles, cans, balloons, steel plates, and so forth are prohibited.
III. Open Shooting and Scheduled Events
A. Generally, open shooting is allowed during LLHSA range hours.
B. When a specific event is scheduled by the LLHSA, then that specific event has control of the bullseye range. Examples include, but not limited to, a Police-L match, an NRA 900, 1800, or 2700 match, CMP 900, 1800 or 2700 match.
IV. Informal Open Shooting Rules
A. Individual shooters will determine when the line is "hot", when the line is "safe", when shooters can go down range, etc.
B. Empty chamber indicators are required in every uncased pistol before shooters are allowed to go down range.
C. Individuals will pay $5 for shooting; money will be placed . . . . ???
V. Formal Event Shooting Rules
A. Events will require a range safety officer who is in charge.
B. Events will follow the event rules. For example, NRA Rules (https://competitions.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/RuleBooks/Pistol/pistol-book.pdf), and CMP Rules (https://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/2023PistolRules.pdf).
C. Individuals will pay $5 to the LLHSA as well as any additional event fees. Money will be placed . . . . ???
III. Emergency Procedures
A. Bullseye shooters will follow the LLHSA emergency range rules procedures.
B. Command "Cease Fire" if the range is "hot", and make sure all firearms are unloaded and safe.
C. If a club officer or range safety officer is present, they should take charge. If no officer is present, someone should take charge.
D. Evaluate the situation, and designate helpers as needed. Is it a minor or major injury? Treat or call for help?
1. Minor Injury (cut finger, scraped knee, etc.)
• Render aid if possible
o First aid kit
o Move person away from the range
• Direct person to seek medical attention
2. Major Injury (heart attack, broken leg, gunshot, etc.)
• Render aid
o Stop bleeding
• Task someone to call emergency telephone numbers
o Location of incident
o Your name
o What happened
o How many injured
o Condition of injured
• Task someone to direct emergency vehicle to the incident, if necessary
o Someone should go to the road to direct the emergency vehicle into the Club
• Drive person to emergency care if needed
E. Major Injury Report
• Task witnesses to write down what they saw
• Complete report for the record
o What happened
o When it happened
o How it happened
o Who did what (who called for help; who rendered aid; etc.)
o Who was present (list everyone)
o Who was contacted
Lake Linden-Hubbell Sportsmen's Association Inc.
Last Revised on
March 15, 2024
I. General Rules
1. The Lake Linden-Hubbell Sportsmen's Association Range Safety Rules apply.
II. Bullseye Specific Rules
A. The bullseye range is designed for up to twelve (12) pistol shooters at one time. Additional pistol shooters must wait for an available shooting point.
B. Eye and hearing protection are mandatory when the range is active (“hot”).
C. No shotguns, rifles or fully automatic firearms are allowed. If we want to prohibit certain pistol calibers (e.g. S&W 500) at the Bullseye Range, these should be added in this section.
D. Shooting over the backstop or skipping rounds over the backstop are not allowed. Houses are about 1 mile down range. You, personally, are legally responsible for any damage, on or off the range, caused by your projectile.
E. Bring unloaded firearms to the firing line shooting benches in a pistol case, bag or box. Do not bring loaded pistols to the pistol range.
F. Insert an empty chamber indicator (e.g. weed cord) in every pistol on the firing line before going down range.
G. When the bullseye firing line is declared "safe", you may not touch or handle any uncased firearm. If you are leaving the bullseye range, you must case your gun while the range is "hot"; you cannot case the gun once the line is declared "safe".
H. When the range is declared "safe", you may go ahead of the firing line to place or retrieve targets, pick up brass in front of the firing line, etc. You may load or unload detached magazines, but YOU MAY NOT TOUCH, LOAD OR UNLOAD ANY FIREARM.
I. Only paper targets are allowed on the Bullseye Range. Bottles, cans, balloons, steel plates, and so forth are prohibited.
III. Open Shooting and Scheduled Events
A. Generally, open shooting is allowed during LLHSA range hours.
B. When a specific event is scheduled by the LLHSA, then that specific event has control of the bullseye range. Examples include, but not limited to, a Police-L match, an NRA 900, 1800, or 2700 match, CMP 900, 1800 or 2700 match.
IV. Informal Open Shooting Rules
A. Individual shooters will determine when the line is "hot", when the line is "safe", when shooters can go down range, etc.
B. Empty chamber indicators are required in every uncased pistol before shooters are allowed to go down range.
C. Individuals will pay $5 for shooting; money will be placed . . . . ???
V. Formal Event Shooting Rules
A. Events will require a range safety officer who is in charge.
B. Events will follow the event rules. For example, NRA Rules (https://competitions.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/RuleBooks/Pistol/pistol-book.pdf), and CMP Rules (https://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/2023PistolRules.pdf).
C. Individuals will pay $5 to the LLHSA as well as any additional event fees. Money will be placed . . . . ???
III. Emergency Procedures
A. Bullseye shooters will follow the LLHSA emergency range rules procedures.
B. Command "Cease Fire" if the range is "hot", and make sure all firearms are unloaded and safe.
C. If a club officer or range safety officer is present, they should take charge. If no officer is present, someone should take charge.
D. Evaluate the situation, and designate helpers as needed. Is it a minor or major injury? Treat or call for help?
1. Minor Injury (cut finger, scraped knee, etc.)
• Render aid if possible
o First aid kit
o Move person away from the range
• Direct person to seek medical attention
2. Major Injury (heart attack, broken leg, gunshot, etc.)
• Render aid
o Stop bleeding
• Task someone to call emergency telephone numbers
o Location of incident
o Your name
o What happened
o How many injured
o Condition of injured
• Task someone to direct emergency vehicle to the incident, if necessary
o Someone should go to the road to direct the emergency vehicle into the Club
• Drive person to emergency care if needed
E. Major Injury Report
• Task witnesses to write down what they saw
• Complete report for the record
o What happened
o When it happened
o How it happened
o Who did what (who called for help; who rendered aid; etc.)
o Who was present (list everyone)
o Who was contacted